Friday, February 13, 2009

Twitter & TinyURL's

I've become a bit obsessed with blogging here lately. This seems to be my personality as some of my interest seem to eb and flow in how much time I dedicate to them. Also technology as a whole seems to amaze me a little more everyday. I recently created a twitter account and kept seeing these links named or whatever and I had no idea how they did that so I did some research. My favorite search engine, next to google, is wikipedia and I could get lost on this sight for hours. Just ask my wife. Anyways wikipedia's definition is as follows:

But if you don't wanna read all that it basically turns any web address into a short link to get you to the same place. TinyURL's help to turn web address that look like this:

into this:

I just thought it was neat and thought I'd share that with you


Funniest thing you'll see all day....