Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Review of Texsport Osprey 3-Season Tent

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

iPhone post #1

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Mariah and I have been quite busy. I really don't have much time to update at the moment but I wanted to let anyone know that reads this that we're doing well and having a great summer. Hope you are too. I'll update more often and more in depth soon. Oh.....and here's a pic of Lilly.

Isn't she sweet?!?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Granite Tile Countertops & Subway Tile Backsplash

We obviously we needed new countertops (I know I know, how could we not love those lovely green laminate counters??) So Adam was able to lay the new Absolute Black Granite tile countertops and the White Subway Tile back splash.

First he had to remove the old countertops and back splash. Then he had to cut out plywood to fit the counters for support. Next he cut the backer board to fit. Then he cut and laid the granite tile. The counters proved to be a lot easier and less time consuming then the back splash, but they both turned out beautiful. Due to us adding an additional light fixture and a garbage disposal in the next few days, he has not completed grouting the tile yet, but he will and pics will follow soon. Check out Tim the Tool Man's counter laying skills....













It's all in the details...

We have taken a much needed 2 month hiatus from working our butts off on the house, but we have started gearing back up. Here are some small additions we have made in the last month or so...

We installed the chandelier that my grandmother gave to us in our dining room about a month ago. When we first installed it, it gave off way to much light, so Adam went back and later added a dimmer. Check it out...



We also added a new light fixture in the kitchen. Very pretty....



Adam's lovely Aunt Linda, who lives in Florida, checked out our blog and saw exactly what we needed in our bathroom, monogrammed towels! We love them!



Friday, February 13, 2009

Twitter & TinyURL's

I've become a bit obsessed with blogging here lately. This seems to be my personality as some of my interest seem to eb and flow in how much time I dedicate to them. Also technology as a whole seems to amaze me a little more everyday. I recently created a twitter account and kept seeing these links named or whatever and I had no idea how they did that so I did some research. My favorite search engine, next to google, is wikipedia and I could get lost on this sight for hours. Just ask my wife. Anyways wikipedia's definition is as follows:

But if you don't wanna read all that it basically turns any web address into a short link to get you to the same place. TinyURL's help to turn web address that look like this:

into this:

I just thought it was neat and thought I'd share that with you

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Really Michael Phelps?!?

Disclaimer: I do not endorse nor recommend the smoking of bongs.

I do think that this video is hilarious though and thought I'd share it here.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cake decorating and mobile blogging

Well it's official.....I really like being able to blog from my blackberry. It's so much easier to send a MMS text than uploading a photo from my phone onto the computer and then onto the blog from there.

Anyways, Mariah is taking a cake decorting class at Hobby Lobby and tonight she had to get her cake ready to decorate.

As you can see the cake turned out great and we had enough left over blue icing for Lilly to have some, which she was extremely grateful for. Haha.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Multimedia message

We've had a nice little weekend although we've done nothing that we'd planned on. Yesterday we were going to head to Mammoth Cave National Park and do some hiking on the trails there. We called and ALL the trails we closed due to the ice storm a couple of weeks ago and they have no idea when they'd be back open. So we just ran around town all day and decided to get the grill out and fire it up. Last night we had steaks and baked potatoes and today we're having burgers as you can see pictured. Gotta love this Kentucky weather. This weekend we had a glimps of Spring and enjoyed it to the fullest and we'll probably need our parkas to stay worm by the end of the week. That's what they say about Kentucky though......"If you don't like the weather stick around for a couple of days. It'll change."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Multimedia message

Mobile blog of a blog. Hmm....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 update!

Hey everyone!

Sorry we have not updated this thing in a month or so! Just with the holidays, moving, and everything else that has been going on the last month, we have not had any time! So we took a few pics last night to give you and idea on how everything is looking..

First of all I want to apologize that some of the pictures are a little skewed. I have to shrink them down and sometimes stretch them in order for them to fit this blog format.

What I want to show you first is the room that is closest to completion and we're probably the most proud of, which is the bathroom. Gotta love the new shower curtain, shower rod, and finished tile!


This is new cabinet and towel rack we installed.


The new mirror, sconces, and hand towel ring. Please excuse the missing outlet cover. We have to buy new ones for the whole house since they were alternating white and off white.


The tub which we painted black with silver feet (and apparently some set of instructions is under there, just now saw that, lol).


Next we will take you into the master bedroom. We havn't done a whole lot in here since we got in. We did purchase a new rug from Lowes with Christmas money we received (so now I need a new comforter set to match it, lol). Also we installed our new plantation blinds through out the whole house. You can also see the finished product on the floors, although I don't think these pics quite do them justice. (Loved the way they turned out!) Check it out....




Next we move on to the living room. Lilly and Adam are kicked back relaxing watching a movie. The living room is still pretty bare as far as decoration goes, but there are still a few things to do, like finishing the trim and polyurethaning the mantle (so that blue stripe is painters tape, not part of the decor, lol). But we do have our new couches and rug in, so that's a start!



The spare bedroom is still serving some what as a "catch all" so excuse the mess. The quilt that is laid across the bed is the wedding ring quilt my grandmother and great-grandmother put together for me many years ago. Once we have a comforter set to go on this bed we will put the quilt up in a safe place. But if you need a place to crash, we now have one!




Now we move along to the dining room. The pretty orchid arrangement that is currently on the table will be moved to the bedroom once the chandelier is installed.


We also have a beautiful hutch, that Adam's grandmother gave to us, in the dining room as well. This will serve as a place for all the silver and crystal wedding gifts that we received (some of which are still boxed up).


We also picked up plantation blinds for the french doors as well....


Last we have the kitchen. We still have to replace the cabinets, countertop, and sink. But the floors are completed and love the open shelving for the dishes. Also I think the bead board turned out very good in this room as well. Check it out....




So that's it! That's the update for now. There are still a couple rooms that were left off because they have served as storage for now while we are still in the moving in/organzing process or we have not begun any real work on them (aka the utility room). But I hope you have enjoyed looking at our progress so far!

Funniest thing you'll see all day....