It's funny how our human instincts take over when events like this happen in our lives. Once my truck stopped moving my first thought was, "Am I ok?" Once I determined that I had all my parts I then thought, "I have to get out of here!" My door was jammed from the impact, but I was able to hop over and get out the passenger side. Once outside I got my breath and call Mariah and told her about the accident and that I was ok and she needed to come get me. I then called 911 and they had units there in less than 2 minutes. After I made those phone calls I asked the guy, "Didn't you see that stop sign?" To which he replied, "My throttle got stuck on my vehicle." Rrrriiiiiight, I thought. The cops got my information and the EMT's and firefighter's made sure that I was ok and then I looked over and saw that the police were giving the guy that hit me a field sobriety test....then a breathlizer....then handcuffs and the backseat of the cop car. DUI. Unbelievable!! I have just become a statistic. I've been hit by a drunk driver! Mariah tooks some pics, which I've posted below, and we went home and I finally was able to fall asleep about 3:00am. The next day my hip and elbow were a little sore, but nothing major. I felt as though I had played in a highschool football game on Friday night but not mush worse than that.

Saturday we had a lot of help on the house from Mariah's grandparents, her mother, and step sister and her boyfriend. We got most all the trim painted and I finished the grout in the hallway. We didn't take any pictures, but we'll try to tonight and post sometime this week. Sunday, we took the Lord's advice and rested. Hopefully we'lll be able to get most all the trim finished up this week along with putting our bathroom back together and then we're thinking that we may get to move in next week or the following weekend. Keep your fingers crossed.
Praise God you are okay. I lost both of my parents to a drunk driver. The dangers of drinking and driving are real... but so many people just don't "get it" until they've been personally affected. I am thankful you lived to tell about it... hopefully your story will change lives.
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