Monday, June 23, 2008

Kyle vs. Racoon & Lilly vs. Wasp

This past weekend Mariah, Lilly and I went to Mariah's father, Kyle, and step-mother, Donna, house. These trips are always relaxing because there is no cell phone service, The house is on the top of a peaceful mountain away from all the noise of the city and most importantly Kyle make some kick ass chocolate gravy! This weekend turned out to be more adventurous than we had anticipated. Once we got there Kyle was limping around with a foot that we almost sure is broken. He hurt is foot by releasing a raccoon that he had trapped. You see the raccoons mess with the cats and the cats don't liked to be messed with so Kyle traps the raccoons and then releases them away from the house so that they don't mess with the cats. Kyle had picked up the raccoon trap and was walking away to let him go when all the sudden the raccoon shifted his weight and sent Kyle a tumblin...He twisted his foot and it immediately got a knot on the side and started to swell. (Mind you this is about two hours before Mariah and I arrived). Upon arrival Kyle tells us the story about the shifty raccoon and we can't help, but feel terrible for the man. Not only is he in bad pain, but he LOVES the outdoors and is now trapped indoors with nothing but us kids to entertain him and two lowertabs on board to keep him from the pain. On top of all this Donna cooked a delicious dinner of steaks, wild rice, baked beans and corn on the cob and Kyle couldn't help but have a nice big plate. That was a bad choice. About an hour later the food decided that it didn't like being it the same confined space as the lowertabs and one of them had to go. The lowertabs won and up comes the food. Poor, poor Kyle. Later that night Mariah and I got in the hot tub with a glass of wine and discussed problems of the world and how to solve them. Pretty common talk in a hot tub once wine is mixed in. :)

The next day we slept in and lounged around the house for a little while. That afternoon, Mariah, Lilly and I went to a recreational park at the lake and went swimming. It cost us a dollar to get in and we were on the honor system, but of course we paid. After we had been there about and hour we got into a little trouble for having Lilly there, but here's the kicker. We didn't get in trouble for having her at the park, we got in trouble for having her in the lake! Are you kidding? This old man came up to us with is trash bag and his mechanical trash picker upper thing and told us "You can't have the dog in the water..." Being the elder respecting people that we are we obliged and got out of the lake with our dog. The old man then proceeded to tell us that dogs weren't aloud in the recreational park, but that they sometimes allow them as long as they are well behaved. Still though I have no idea why they aren't allowed in the lake. I wonder sometimes if old people like playing tricks on young people just to see if they can get away with it. You know, wonder if the old man looked at his wife before he said anything to us and was like, "Hey, Vivian, watch this. I'm gonna confuse the Hell out of these kids." Probably never happens, but it makes me smile to think that these type of things go on. I hope that I'm a prank pulling old man one day and am able to say "Hey me confuse the Hell out of these kids." :)

Back to the house we go and grab showers and pack up our stuff getting ready for the two and a half hour drive back home. I go outside to put stuff in the truck and I look down at Lilly. I notice that she looks a little sadder than normal and I noticed that her left eye was slightly swollen. I didn't think much about it and continued to pack things into the truck. Lilly's eye was definitely swelling by then time we left Kyle & Donna's and we decided that she had been stung by a wasp because that's the only thing around that could've done this. About an hour into the trip it was nearly swollen shut and we were getting pretty worried. So what do you do when your an hour and a half from home and your boxer dog is in the back seat with one of her eye's swollen shut from a wasp sting? Why, you get on your blackberry and google what to do, of course! Google said the you can give a puppy benadryl and to make a paste out of water and baking soda. Give the benadryl as directed and put the paste over the swollen area. I gotta tell you it works like magic! The benadryl made her sleepy and the paste helped with the swelling tremendously. This morning we woke up and Lilly's eye is almost back to normal and right now, I can tell that her appetite is not back to normal, but the looks and seems to feel a lot better.

All in all a great weekend. I was reminded of the beauty and the sting of mother nature. She's a beautiful lady, but she's got a bite so you might want to keep your distance.


Funniest thing you'll see all day....