Life is funny sometimes.....for instance. I had heard the name Randy Pausch a few months back on Good Morning America and thought that he was pretty interesting but hadn't given him much thought until yesterday. I knew that he was famous for a lecture and a book but that was about it. For whatever reason I couldn't get his name out of my head yesterday so I did a little research on him and tracked down his "The Last Lecture" he gave for his students (headfake....his children) on September 18, 2007. If you've got about 1:16:27 I would highly recommend that you check it out. This lecture is from a man that one month prior had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told that he had 3-6 months to live. As humans we tend to listen to those folks that are dieing much more intensely. Maybe it's because we think that what they have to say is much more important or maybe it's because we do it simply out of respect for the dead (or in this case the dieing) but whatever the reason I am so glad that we live in such a tech savy era that his words can be captured on websites like Youtube.
If I were to go on with this blog part of it would be babbling and the other part would just do Randy and injustice so check out his Lecture and see if it doens't give you a differnt/better perspective on your day and your life.
If I were to go on with this blog part of it would be babbling and the other part would just do Randy and injustice so check out his Lecture and see if it doens't give you a differnt/better perspective on your day and your life.